Library FinSet.Quotients.Retract

This file defines retractions and basic properties on them.
Retract A B is the type of retractions from B to A.
Record Retract A B := {
  inj : B A;
  proj : A B;
  retract : x, proj (inj x) = x

Obligation Tactic := try solve [intuition eauto|intros **;now rewrite !retract].

Categorical combinators

Program Definition id {A} : Retract A A := {|
  inj x := x;
  proj x := x

Program Definition compose {A B C}
    (f:Retract A B) (g:Retract B C) : Retract A C := {|
  inj x := f.(inj) (g.(inj) x);
  proj x := g.(proj) (f.(proj) x)

Program Definition opt_compose {A B C}
     (f:Retract A (option B)) (g:Retract B (option C))
     : Retract A (option C) := {|
  inj x := f.(inj) (Some (g.(inj) x));
  proj x := match f.(proj) x return _ with
            | Some y g.(proj) y
            | None None

Program Definition opt_lift {A B}
     (f:Retract A B) : Retract (option A) (option B) := {|
  inj x := match x return _ with
            | Some x Some (f.(inj) x)
            | None None
  proj x := match x return _ with
            | Some x Some (f.(proj) x)
            | None None

Retracts of the natural numbers

Retracts of the natural numbers are of special importance as they are used to define countable types.
A retraction from A into nat lifts to a retraction of A+1 into nat.
Program Definition retract_nat_opt {A}
     (f:Retract nat A) : Retract nat (option A) := {|
  inj x := match x return _ with
            | Some a S(f.(inj) a)
            | None 0
  proj x := match x return _ with
            | S n Some (f.(proj) n)
            | 0 None

A retraction from A+1 into nat restricts to a retraction from A to nat when A is inhabited.
Program Definition retract_nat_inh {A}
     (f:Retract nat (option A)) (a:A) : Retract nat A := {|
  inj x := f.(inj) (Some x) ;
  proj x := match f.(proj) x return _ with
            | Some
            | None a

Standard retractions

Import NArith.

Definition retract_nat_N : Retract nat N := {|
  inj := N.to_nat ;
  proj := N.of_nat ;
  retract :=

In this module we establish that list nat is a retract of N. We use, to that effect the following Gӧdel numbering: encoding [n₁;...;nₖ] as [0...n₁...01...10...nₖ...01] (least significant bit to the left).
  • [] is encoded as 0.
  • [0] is encoded as 1.
  • [2] is encoded as 001 (4).
  • [3;2] is encoded as 0001001 (72).

Module RetractNListNat.

 Import NArith List List.ListNotations.

 Local Open Scope positive.
 Local Open Scope N.

encode_nat n p is p preceeded by n 0-s.
 Fixpoint encode_nat (n:nat) (p:N) : N :=
   match n with
   | 0%natp
   | S nN.double (encode_nat n p)

 Definition encode : list nat N :=
   List.fold_right (fun n pencode_nat n (N.succ_double p)) 0.

Positive integers decode to non-empty lists.
 Fixpoint decode_positive (p:positive) : nat × list nat :=
   match p with
   | 1%positive(0%nat,[])
   | p~0let (n,l) := decode_positive p in (S n, l)
   | p~1let (n,l) := decode_positive p in (0%nat,n::l)

 Definition decode (n:N) : list nat :=
   match n with
   | 0 ⇒ []
   | Npos plet (n,l) := decode_positive p in n::l

 Lemma retract : l, decode (encode l) = l.

End RetractNListNat.

Definition retract_N_list_nat : Retract N (list nat) := {|
  inj := RetractNListNat.encode ;
  proj := RetractNListNat.decode ;
  retract := RetractNListNat.retract