Library FinSet.Quotients.Countable

This file defines the countable types. There is some liberty in the notion of countable in a constructive setting. In this file we choose countable types to be equipped with a retraction into the natural number (which, because of ConstructiveEpsilon, is equivalent to a surjection from natural number and decidable equality). Decidability of equality plays an important role in the design of concrete quotients of countable types, both to lift ConstructiveEpsilon and to define quotients.
A type A is called countable if option A is a retract of the natural numbers. When A is inhabited, then it is equivalent to a retraction of A into the natural numbers, but this definition also includes the empty set.
Being countable is defined here as a type class, making the hypothesis that the chosen retraction is unlikely to be tractable (few of the instances defined in this file are) and that it's not to be used in a real program, where some control will be needed.

Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Coq.NArith.NArith.
Require Import DProp.
Require FinSet.Lib.CEExt.
Require Import FinSet.Quotients.Retract.

Import List.ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list_scope.

Class Countable A := countable : Retract nat (option A).

We also use an inhabitation type class, which will help avoid the option type in our calculation.
Class Inhabited A := inhabitant : A.

Definition to_nat {A} {_:Countable A} (x:A) : nat :=
  countable.(inj) (Some x).
Definition of_nat {A} {_:Countable A} {_:Inhabited A} : nat A :=
  (retract_nat_inh countable inhabitant).(proj).

Lemma nat_retract A {_:Countable A} {_:Inhabited A} : x, of_nat (to_nat x) = x.

The typical way of proving that a type is countable is to exhibit a retraction towards a known countable type.
In some more advanced cases, we may need B to be lifted to provide a default element.
Program Definition countable_of_opt_retract
        {A B} {_:Countable A} (r:Retract A (option B)) : Countable B :=
  Retract.opt_compose countable r.

Countable types have decidable equality: it is sufficient to test the equality of their code.
Program Definition countable_eq_dec {A} {_:Countable A} (x y:A) : {x=y}+{xy} :=
  dec_lift (
        (countable.(inj) (Some x))
        (countable.(inj) (Some y)))

Program Definition eq_countable {A} {_:Countable A} (x y:A) : DProp := {|
  dec := countable_eq_dec x y

Instance eq_countable_eq {A} {_:Countable A} : Equivalence eq_countable.
Proof eq_equivalence.

Inhabited instances

Countable instances

Lists of a countable type are countable. The essential component is Retract.retract_N_list_nat. This particular instance will be used to define most others.
Instance countable_list {A} {_:Countable A} : Countable (list A).

Program Instance countable_unit : Countable unit :=
  countable_of_retract {|
      inj x := [];
      proj x := tt

This could be established using Retract.retract_nat_opt. But to demonstrate how lists can be used, we shall prefer a definition based on lists.
Program Instance countable_option {A} {_:Countable A} : Countable (option A) :=
   countable_of_retract {|
       inj x := match x return _ with
                 | Some x [x]
                 | None []
       proj l := match l return _ with
                 | [x] Some x
                 | [] None
                 | _ None

Program Instance countable_pair {A B} {_:Countable A} {_:Countable B} : Countable (A×B) :=
  countable_of_opt_retract {|
      inj x := match x return _ with
                | Some(a,b) [to_nat (Some a);to_nat (Some b)]
                | None []
      proj l := match l return _ with
                | [] None
                | [a;b] match of_nat a , of_nat b return _ with
                           | Some ,Some Some (,)
                           | _ ,_ None
                | _ None

Program Instance countable_sum {A B} {_:Countable A} {_:Countable B} : Countable (A+B) :=
  countable_of_opt_retract {|
      inj x := match x return _ with
                | Some (inl a) [0;to_nat (Some a)]
                | Some (inr b) [1;to_nat (Some b)]
                | None []
      proj l := match l return _ with
                | [] None
                | [0;a] match of_nat a return _ with
                           | Some Some (inl )
                           | _ None
                | [1;b] match of_nat b return _ with
                           | Some Some (inr )
                           | _ None
                | _ None

Constructive indefinite description

The results of CEExt can be lifted to countable types. This liting is not quite the identity because of the extra option in the definition of countable types.
The main ingredient of the lifting is a lifting of (decidable) predicate to the option type, such that {x:A|P x} is isomorphic to {x:option A|Liftp P x}.

Definition Liftp {A} (P:ADProp) : option A DProp := fun x
  match x with
  | Some aP a
  | NoneDFalse

Lemma Liftp_exists {A} {P:ADProp} : ( x, P x) x, Liftp P x.

Program Definition liftp_extract {A} {P:ADProp} (x : {x|Liftp P x}) : {x|P x} :=
  match x return Liftp P x {x|P x} with
  | Some xfun hx
  | Nonefun h_
  end _

Lemma liftp_extract_ext A (P:ADProp) (x:{x|Liftp P x}) (y:{y|Liftp y}) :
  proj1_sig x = proj1_sig y proj1_sig (liftp_extract x) = proj1_sig (liftp_extract y).

Section Choice.

 Context {A} {cA:Countable A}.
 Context (P:ADProp).

 Definition choice (h: x, P x) : {x|P x} :=
   liftp_extract (
         countable.(retract _ _)
         (Liftp P)
         (Liftp_exists h))

 Definition choose (h: x, P x) : A := proj1_sig (choice h).

 Lemma choose_spec : h, P (choose h).

End Choice.

Section ChoiceExt.

 Import Morphisms.

 Context (A:Type) (cA:Countable A).

 Local Notation "´Π´ x y ´:´ R ´,´ S" := (respectful_hetero _ _ _ _ R%signature (fun x yS)%signature) (at level 200, x ident, y ident).

 Lemma choose_ext : Proper (Π P : eq==>eq_dprop, Π _ _:(fun _ _True), @eq A) choose.
End ChoiceExt.